Reading Centre

Tina Cowley Reading Centre

Tania Viljoen: Franchisee

Cell: 082 809 6131 / Website:

H M SWART boasts with a fully equipped and operational Tina Cowley Reading Centre. The centre is served full time by two therapists. Dr. Tina Cowley is the forerunner of new technology and science in reading. Every year, research is done and new techniques are applied to stimulate students optimally.

We do a scientific test of your child's reading; therefore we know how to address the problem.

We are also the proud owners of a Smartboard that addresses the following aspects:

  • Commercial therapy
  • Laughter therapy
  • Eye kinetics
  • Perceptual skills
  • Spatial orientation
  • Shape observation
  • Sequence
  • Auditory

Scientific work is done on reading, reading speed, language learning, spelling, vocabulary, construction and comprehension. You will receive a progress report at the end of each term.

We also offer study courses according to your child's brain dominance.

We are also “NBI Solutions Whole-Brain Practitioners”. This enables us to teach your child to overcome problems and make the best of his / her learning situation.